1246 INDIAN MEDICINAL PLANTS IV. Corolla-lobes valvate in bud Fruit fleshy or drupaceous, indehiscent Seeds minute Flowers panicled or corymbose Calyx with 1 lobe usually forming a coloured leaf . MTTSSAEND\ V Corolla-lobes twisted m had Fruit herned, fleshy or dry Seeds usually large a Inflorescence usually axillary Stigma fusiform Ovary 2 celled . . RANDH b Inflorescence usually axillary Stigma fusiform Ovary 1 celled , GARDENIA VI Corolla-lobes valvate in bud. Stamens inserted in the month of the corolla a Ovary 2-celled Stipules equal PLECTRONIA b Ovary 3-5 celled. Stipules equal VANGUERIA VII Corolla-lobes twisted in bud Ovary 24 celled Fruit a 2-4-celled berry or drupe with 2 4 free or united pyrenes a Flowers panicled or corymbose Bracts coriaceous, not sheathing . , . IXORA b Flowers panicled or corymbose. Bracts membranous, lower sheathing ... . PAVETTA c Flowers axillary, fascicled 01 solitary . COFFE\ VIII Corolla-lobes valvate in bud Stamens inserted in the mouth or throat of the corolla Fruit a 2 4 celled berry or a drupe 2-4 pyrenes Calyx tubes cohering in a head Heads many-flowered, solitary or umbelled . . MORIND* IX Corolla-lobes valvate in bud Stamens inserted on the throat or base of the corolla Fruit capsular, 5-valved or with dorsally compressed pyrenes a Styles 2, capillary, twisted. Pyrenes 2 Twining shrubs PAEDERIA b Style 5-fid Capsule 5 valved at the top Erect shrubs . H \MILTONR X Corolla lobes valvate in bud. Style entire Stigma capitate or bifid Fruit small, dry, capsular or of 2 cocci Herbs rarely undershrubs a. Fruit of 2 separable cocci, both or one only dehiscing ventrally ... ........,............. BORBEHIA. Fnnt of 2 connate cocci, Calyx-limb greatly enlarged . , GAILLONIA XL Corolla-lobes valvate in bud. Ovary 2-celled. Style-arms 2, Herbs Corolla rotate or shortly campanulate, 5-merous . , RTJBIA. The The root is acrid,* emetic, diaphroetic, purging or diuretic, bark is generally bitter^ astringent, tonic, and febrifuge. The Order is mostly remarkable for the niuaber of alkaloids